Monday, 4 February 2013

LOVERS GIFT -  Verse No 32

         By Tagore

                          Many a time when the spring day knocked at our door , I kept busy with my work and you did not answer . Now when I am left alone and heart-sick  the spring day comes again ,  but I know not how to turn him away from the door . When he came to crown us with joy the gate was shut but now he comes with his gift of sorrow , his  path must be open

         Now GR takes over ( Tagore sits by my side and pats on my back  )

                           Here I am , left alone , all alone
                           Heart sick , sad and sullen
                           Rushes in through our door
                           The spring , in all its glory and splendor
                           What use of spring unto me now
                           As by me sits not my love.
                           To turn him away from hither
                           I know not how , my dear.
                           Again and again in the days past
                           To make us happy , the spring did visit
                           Immersed in work , I cared him never
                           Nor did you answer
                           To dip us in honey , in joys many
                           And to make our days sunny
                           Many a times did he come
                           Unto him extended we not a welcome
                           Now let his path be wide open
                                         As comes he with a gift of sorrow and pain