Saturday, 22 December 2012

We need to change....

It is many months since I have written anything original. Started couple of blogs and discontinued it. Then copy pasted something from my laptop which were written long back. But the gang rape happened in New Delhi is worrying me for days and I need to write something against it...

Assaulting a women sexually is the most heinous attack according to me..It not only scars physically but mentally too. The horror of that day might even make her unable never to have a happy life, if she survives. May God save her...

India need tougher laws to combat  rape. Now the situation is any one can get away after raping or killing women. The case will drag on for years and all that time the perpetrators will be leading normal life on bail. Finally there will be punishment which stretches for couple of years or months.. After that when they come out, the society accepts them with out any qualms.

On the other hand, the victim suffers whole through her life. No one lets her forget the incident though it is no fault of  hers...

We need to change our mentality. I wish the family of those rapists come forward to denounce them. Their mothers, sisters, daughters they need to say that they do not want such men in their life.

I am against capital punishment. Every one is someone's son, daughter, wife, husband and I believe only God has the right to take away life. Wish these men are sent to prison immediately and made to work there their whole life without bail. They should be never sent outside, just let them be there, work there and send money to their family. Some of them may be the only bread winners of their family and it is not fair that the family becomes destitute because of these perverts.


Bikram said...

Assaulting on anyone is WRONG.
we do need stringent laws but more than that we need to police those laws, We have the law but the problem is no one is policing it as it shud be ..


strange.friendships said...

Our laws have too many loopholes and that is why criminals are escaping. Such a sad loss... I really wish the parents or the family of those rapists come forward to denounce them and shame them publicly...

KParthasarathi said...

Laws have never stopped crime.At best they minimize.There should be a change in the mindset of society,especially the menfolk,that women are subordinates,inferior to men and a commodity or a drudge at home for the pleasure of men.There should be greater empowerment of women in political sphere and economically.Greater educational opportunities among rural population for girls is a must.Justice should be fast and punishment strict.