Saturday, 15 December 2012

My cross...

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Some crosses are to be carried alone
Cannot share nor I could tell you
It weighs my shoulders and heart down
Squeezes my heart leaving me gasping for air…
And I feel am going insane or to die
You might ask why can’t I leave that and move forward
That too I am unable to do..
This has become part of my life
And I cannot live without this sometimes sweet , sometimes bitter weight
In a curious way I am in love with my cross
I just wish it doesn’t weighs me down so much
That I wish I have had a black out due to pain….


KParthasarathi said...

mysteriously beautiful lines leaving one wondering what the cross is all about.Nice one

Anonymous said...

Why desire you to own
The cross all alone ?
The pain make it mine
To me only a gain.

Never a cross 'll bring death
A pleasure ,not pain
To share your burden
Unto , the symbol of rebirth.

A death on a cross
By the son of man
To come back again
As son of God-the Jesus

Anonymous said...

Second stanza
last line should read

" Unto me,the symbol of rebirth "